Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
- Mary Oliver

This quote by Mary Oliver has been taped to my computer since college. On a paper bleeding with red ink, the philosophy professor who would go on to be a treasured mentor scrawled the note "but how has this touched your life?" I had a tendency to write with an academic, detached tone - a result of my fear, my need to be taken seriously, and a lifetime of being just a little too emotional for many around me.

It was that note that started my blogging journey. I began to "online journal" in an effort to explore personal writing. I wrote annoyingly detailed breakdowns of my college struggles, angst filled worries about my future, and dry lists of my thoughts when I was feeling drained. It taught me the value, the power of infusing my writing with my voice, that culmination of all the moments that have brought me here.

Your blog, your business needs you.

Your passion, the hole you saw needing to be filled, the need you felt that drove you to start your blog or business in the first place - that is what you do.

So, how do I say it & why does it matter?

In traditional marketing, we're taught the power of the elevator pitch. A sales pitch or introduction boiled down to 30 seconds or less, basically the amount of time you might have to introduce yourself to a CEO or power broker on an elevator ride.

Today, with storytelling and a lifestyle economy, we can do better. We embrace the power of our mission.

Today's actionable: write your mission, distilled down to a crystal clear, single sentence.

Grab the printable (or download the PDF) and post the mission you develop over in the Blog Your Genius group